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8. Lecture Interaction Design Process: Use of Storytelling for evaluation

Tanja Landolt

In this lecture we'll talk about the reason of documenting, pitching practice and selling ideas. Other we'll talk about the sharing an disseminating a design and the critical points of using storytelling as a form of evaluating a concept.

Auger, James. 2012. “Demo or die: Overcoming oddness through aesthetic experience”. In Why Robot? Speculative Design, the domestication of technology and the considered future. PhD Thesis. RCA, London.

Experimental Protoypes

– Iso-Phone (Auger-Loizeau, 2003) developed at Media Lab Europe

Iso-phone (Auger-Loizeau, 2003).

Kim, J., Lund, A. & Dombrowski. 2010. “Mobilizing Attention: Storytelling for Innovation”. In Interactions.

– marketing campaign enhances and develops the storyline from the TV show

– if the television story is extended into Web space, the show attracted new audiences and expanded potential participation by viewers

– Stories are sticky, they persist, and they can be magnetic, attracting people and interest

– stories focus people’s attention on particular topics, aligning their interest and acting as the invisible driving force behind innovation

– Innovation is the collective process of creating new ideas with business value but it is also a messy process that is difficult to teach, measure, and quantify

– Storytelling acknowledges the potentially conflicting interests of different stakeholders and their differing points of view.

– Ex. The Grameen Foundation (non profit organisation) especially known for the AppLab, which develops and deploys low-tech solutions to information problems

they have mobilized people around the world and has had dramatic positive economic benefits

Different approches of storytelling

– Exploratory play.

I think it is awesome how we can achieve new solutions even non-profit to try to make the world a better place.

how can we achieve that companies kill kreatives ideas cuz they need to much work?

In class

PJ starts presenting about stories. She talks about storytelling for evaluation. Therefore she talks about exploratory play, Filter, Future-h

thinking application. Stories create sympathy, value and meaning. She features imaginary outcome, alternative present.

She showed the mobiliar case study. It is really interesting how such a simple advertisement was so successful and reached so many people. Also it is very interesting that it is understandable for so many people.

I really like PJs questions. Especially to think about how we experience a story the best.


– Create a story that is understandable for all kind of people. it does not has to be very fancy it just has to work.

– storybording can proof a concept!

Criteria for our projects in the methods class

– fulfilling main question

– provocative

– User-center/fulfilling - rigour

how can we see if those are fullfilled?

ex. with user interviews

to make storytelling a use of information

set goals

discussing with team members

proof of concept



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