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10. Lecture Interaction Design Methods: Data and visual abstractions

Tanja Landolt

In this lecture we're talking about diagrams, sketching, mind mapping, working with data, visualising information: this is the work of explaining to your audience, from clients, to customers, to collaborators, the essence of an argument.

Buxton, B. (2007). "Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design". Morgan Kaufmann. 76-81.

– the writer of this blog is talking about the industry and how there are certain things that we wanna explore further (there are two myths: that we know what we want at a start of a project and that we know enough to start building it)

– according to Donald Schön (1983) there is a distingugished needed between two aspects of design: problem solving and problem setting

– Further he's one of the firsts who said that product development demands attention to both problem setting and solving > fundamental to the design process (but the industrie didn't listen)

– even tho there are like three different sections they're not limited to their content – design and engineering need to work together to achieve the best solution

– funny thing that the author admits is that it takes very strong and brave management to admit that we don't know what we're doing at the start!


– teamwork is key (working with different specialist in their fields brings the best solution)

– you need to be brave when you start off with not knowing what you do at the start

– also that Problem solving means "How do we build this?»

– and that Problem setting means «What is the right thing to build?»

Eggers, W. D., Hamill R., Ali A. (2013). “Data as the new currency. Government’s role in facilitating the exchange”. In Deloitte Review. 13. 18-31.

– the starting argument of the text is that personal data has an economic value that can

be bought, sold, and traded

– the government itself is the biggest data producer, rather secure that's not going to happen cuz free data is present (almost everything can be googled) and the other aspect is privacy

– the assumption is that the government can play three principal roles in the emerging data economy: producer, consumer, and facilitator

– there are marketplaces for data: open data providers, data aggregators, data for Service, data Protectors

In class

– goal is to communicate in a helpful way

– data tells us a story, shows patterns, ect

– there is big / thick data

– perception humans can understand

– responsibility: where comes it from, gathered, analysed, cognitive biases, importan part of the data, always start the source!

– group exercise: we got different data graphics and had to analyse them and how they could be made better


– data gives us a false sense of security, many things probably get overlooked


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