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11. Lecture Interaction Design Methods: Design Fiction, Speculative Design, Artistic research

Tanja Landolt

This is about the topic where design and art collide: what is your design standing for? How do we reboot the design field?

Auger, James. 2012. “Speculative design: The products that technology could become”. In Why Robot? Speculative Design, the domestication of technology and the considered future. PhD Thesis. RCA, London.

– material speculation: material speculation, which emphasizes the material or mediating experience of specially designed artifacts in our everyday world in order to speculatively and

critically inquire through design

– Counterfactuals are central to the theory of possible worlds virtue of

contradicting one world – ex. the world in which Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character opens up another world

– Lewis describes counterfactuals as similar to if…then (possible worlds theory relies upon

the ideal that reality comprises all that we can imagine, composed of the “actual world” and all “possible worlds”

– all worlds have their own logic and autonomy

– this method expands our effective design approach thus by considering multiple alternative possibilities

– "Material speculation is the coupling of counterfactual artifacts and possible worlds."

– "Counterfactual artifacts exist in the everyday world."

shortly said material speculation is

– the intention to critical investigate our world and making fictional artifacts (scenarios, personas and enactments)

– alternative possibilities or possible worlds that critically reflect on our own world – even new worlds can be developed


– through creating other "universes" we discover and create so much more possibilities, which lead us to a solutions that considered different worlds

– do research for each product and choose the best design methods (if possible due to money, time limitation) that fits

Wakkary, Ron & Odom, William & Hauser, Sabrina & Hertz, Garnet & Lin, Henry. 2016. A short guide to material speculation: Actual artifacts for critical inquiry. interactions. 23. 44-48.

in class

– Loic starts talking about speculative design and of the need of this speculative design

– what is reality in the artistic field: realitiy is all that we can imagine, the actual and possible world are equal > intersection of both is the space for creativity

– wabi-sabi: wabi is the essence of design

– ex. the inaccessible digital camera if you wanna acces the images you destroy the camera

– space to explore ideas outside the commercial field

– potential for great interdisciplinary fields

– the class activity was about "how would communication look like in an alternative or futuristic timeline?"

– my favourite idea to this excersice was "what if there is a device you could put on your head which allows you to send direct messages from your thoughts to other ppl


– storytelling plays a big role makes it believable

– playing with the affordances of materials

Mo continues with Design Fiction

– explore design through science fiction

– "the deliberate use of diegetic" prototypes to suspend disbeliefe about change by Bruce Sterling

– diegetic = contextually constent within its own world

– science fiction = fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances

and major social or environmental changes

– drawbacks of design fiction: limited by our own imagination, we can't predict everything, reproduction biases, lack of formal methods, rarely critical of technological progress


– we as designer have a big responsibility


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