For our final class, we go back to the basics of design: its pedagogy. Interaction Design is though here as a mediation for everyday life: how can you as students use your knowledge to develop your craft and to share your lessons learned.
Ackermann, E.K. (2016). “Learning to Code: What is it? What’s In It For The Kids?— A Tribute to Seymour Papert". Trans. version from publication in Technologie didattiche (TD 27-2002).
– we can learn a lot from children
– they're much more adaptable
– writing nowadays through chat can seen as oral messages cuz it's like talking through each other
– will we lose the ability to write interesting texts at some point?
Moriwaki, K., Brucker-Cohen, J. (2006). “Lessons from the scrapyard: creative uses of found materials within a workshop setting”. In AI & Society. 20:4. 506-525.
– DIY practises: roots in the punk movement it's ethics favors direct action and independence
– DIY is the critique of consumer culture and a rejection of institutional hierarchies
– people who DIY find inexpensive, alternative ways of doing things
– ‘‘Thinking outside of the box’’ comes naturally to the DIY practitioner as they’ve already eschewed the box for whatever else lies outside of it
– hacking: has evolved to encompass any modification to an object or experience in
a manner not originally intended – they get a different meaning as they were intended to be
– hacking is the joy of acquiring knowledge and finding solutions for finding their own sake
– DIY and hacking share similarities both apply their skills & efforts to personality satisfying activites which brings them joy
– sometimes you need to improvise
– when you DIY you're automatically thinking outside of the box
In class
at first we were discussing what is needed from teacher and student side (see picture)
– after talking about what is needed from both sided we continued with teaching each other a skill for 5 min
– i chose to teach my classmates a little paper box which is folded out of paper with no glue or anything
– you have to check that all are equally far, how to keep it interesting if some are quicker/slower
– teach them in a speed they can easily follow
