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5. Lecture Interaction Design Methods: Innovation for all

Tanja Landolt

This lecture is about the history and practice of design and about their following of technology. And we'll also talk about how do they correlate in notions of innovation and creativity.

Kelley, T. (2001). "The Art Of Innovation: Lessons In Creativity From IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm". Crown Business. 23-52.

– focused observation can be a powerful source of innovation

– When you observe ppl in their natural settings, you should not only look for the nuances of their behavior but also for their motivation and emotion

– Jane Fulton Suri of IDEO is known for her human-factors investigations. In IDEO she's fixing a lot of problems before they get into costumer's hands

– She helps companies plump people's latent needs and wishes in order to redesign or finding inspiration for new products

– many companies separate functions such as research, design, marketing, manufacturing – they separate those things that mean so much to each other. They also add each other up and need to be considered together when a new product is going to be developed

"You don't just send your researchers out to do research and your designers to do design. You send your designers with researchers to do design and vice versa."

by Jane Fulton

you learn from ppl who break the rules

– empathy is about finding and listening to ppl – we should always think about whom we're trying to serve and what needs we're trying to fulfill

– observate. is everything clear? do you know where to go? and so on...

just observe carefully and consider the small things you notice

Franzini, L., Herzog, R., Rutz, S., Ryser, F., Ziltener, K., Zwicky, P. (2021). “Postwachstum? Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen um einen grundlegenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel". edition 8. chapter ["Die Postwachtumsökonomie als plünderungsfreier Zukunftsentwurf, Paech, N., page 73-82] chapter ["Von der imperialen zur konvivialen Technik", Vetter, A., page 159-167]

The term "post-growth economy" is used to describe an economy which, in the absence of growth in gross domestic product, has stable supply structures, albeit with a comparatively reduced level of consumption.

– It is assumed that through the increase of knowledge, innovation and technological perfection, it is possible to create a continuously growing prosperity out of the material nothingness, which, miraculously, is itself anything but immaterial

– many of the feverishly developed efficiency, energy transition, closed-loop or other "Green New Deal" innovations, even intensify the material overexploitation by putting previously spared natural assets and landscape components to "green" industrial use

– For this reason, growth-skeptical positions were formed within sustainability research and three fundamental questions developed from them

  • What scientifically sound reasoning contexts indicate that further that a further growth of global value creation cannot be an option for the What are the scientific reasons why further growth in global value creation cannot be an option for the 21st century?

  • What are the reasons why modern, globally networked industrial economies are subject to certain development dynamics? economies are subject to certain development dynamics, which are sometimes regarded as growth constraints or drivers?

  • 3) How can the contours of an economy beyond further growth (post-growth economy) be depicted? (post-growth economy)?

– Any increase in material freedoms inevitably comes at the cost of a loss of usable resources and an increase in ecological damage

– Post-growth economics processes the insight, that a socially just state can only be achieved if it is accepted that the available distribution mass is limited

– Stress, disorientation and consumer burn-out is normal nowadays and this leads to sensory overload

– our lives are pumped full of consumption such as products, services, mobility, events and digital communication

– time is the scarcest resource we have and even multitasking doesn't work (you can only do 2 things at the same time by the way)

there are several option to make this situation better:

  • Self-limitation. objects are replaced only if they are damaged

  • Reduction. a certain level of ambition without giving up anything completely e.g. halving the amount of meat normally consumed in a year

  • Complete renunciation. ex. don't eat meat, do not use a car, never take a plane to go somewhere



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