The topics in this lecture are Interaction Design and how the field of HCI research are intertwined. Other topics we'll talk about are desk-based research, cultural probes, participatory design, ethnographic video, etc… Shortly said terms that are at the heart of methodologies.
Gaver, B., Dunne, T., Pacenti, E. (1999). “Design: Cultural probes”. In Interactions, 6(1), 21-29.
This paper is about prototyping. In the paper there is the case cultural probes describen.
The probes were part of a strategy of pursuing experimental design in a responsive way.
They used things like post cards, maps, cameras, Photo Album and Media Diary to test out the different behavior and usage of the objects.
Instead of designing solutions for users' needs, we work to create opportunities to discover new pleasures, new forms of companionship, and new cultural forms.
The artist–designer approach is openly subjective, only partly guided by any “objective” problem statement
the goal was not to reach an objective view of the elders' needs trough the probes but for their their beliefs and desires, their aesthetic preferences and cultural concerns

Oulasvirta, A., Kurvinen, E., & Kankainen, T. (2003). “Understanding contexts by being there: case studies in bodystorming". In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7(2), 125-134.
Definition Ubiquitous Computing
(Ubicomp, Ubiquitäre Systeme) bezeichnet keine konkrete Technologie, sondern eine informatische Vision allgegenwärtiger Datenverarbeitung und Nutzung informatischer Systeme, bei der es weder nennenswerte Bedienungsanforderungen noch Hardwarebelastungen für den Nutzer gibt.
user-centered design process models subsume following three stages:
1. observation of user activities
2. documentation of the observations
3. design based on the documentation
Potentials of bodystorming
– Before a bodystorming session, a preliminary observation and documentation is conducted, interesting parts and result will be chosen and then translated into easy understandable design questions
In class
today's presentation is by Lars & Matthias.
Lars started with presenting the first text. At first he made an overview of his presentation
You have to find the right workflow for your project
Listen to your team – talk and discuss with other members
be adaptive – use what you have
Lars told us also something about his personal experience while working in his previous agency viu and for the Kanton Aargau. There he learned to combine design methods. In the workshop he also regonized the "creative atmosphere". Also keeping the time precisly.
Small exercise:
Go to a room and and think about the design problems you have there. This exercise takes place 90 s in the room we're currently sitting and 90 s in the room we actually think about.
Realizions of the bodystorming it really only let's u see while you're being in the room and then you're realize. At first you only see the problems you know
I think at first it is quite hard to realize problems but the more you think about and search the more problems you'll realize.
Now we'll start with Matthias presentation. He talks about cultural probes.
We start with two exercises. The task of the first exercise is to search an object next to our workplace that we like. And take a picture of it.
The 2nd task is to think about all the things that annoys us in our atelier and note it on the miro board.
Matthias starts talking about the text and says cultural probing is for to design to provoke inspirational responses.
He also talks about artist-designer research approach. The focus on finding new functionality aesthetic. To break free from production and talk more about the fun while creating.
Cultural probes helps ignoring, working against stereotypes of survey group bridging gap between designers and survey group.
It is quite time consuming and not objective. But it gives you a very interesting perspective and a non-typical view on things. He also talks about food habits and homo ludens before the presentation went to the discussion.
In the discussion the topic went about good workspace in our atelier. We work there but still chill there and have a good time. It is quite messy and place is sometimes hard to find.
It would be better to make certain areas for specific things. Ex. This space is for eating, this space for coding, for crafting ect.
Final Disscussion
We were talking about different experiences from ppl in the class. It was very interesting what everybody had to say about.
My learnings out of that
– better use a good method
– saves time and money