The topics in the second lecture will be about how design takes place everyday and how it got inspired and inspires stories as well as the collective imagination. What power does design have? What kind of responsibility do designers have? What futures do we want to create?
Samochowiec, J. (2020). "Future Skills: Four scenarios for the world of tomorrow". GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute. [chapter "Scenarios" + "Conclusion"]
The topic in this paper is about the future, how our technologies will continue to develop and there are 4 possible outlines for the coming years. How will it be 2050?
Scenario 1: Collapse
– International trade is almost non-existent
– Local communities are no longer integrated into national or supranational organisations and have to reorganise amidst the ruins of a globalised and industrialised world
Scenario 2: Gig Economy Precariat
– machines have taken over the most jobs this leads to technological joblessness
– ppl who are affected fight for rare jobs in a thoroughly commercialised world
Scenario 3: Net Zero
– there is no hope left to slow climate change down with progress and technology
– the new goal set for every person is reducing CO2 emissions to zero, that can differ from region and place to others
Scenario 4: Fully Automated AI Luxury
– machines have taken over the most jobs done previously done by ppl
– ppl are presented with the challenge to make sense of their lives and to maintain
their individual autonomy when faced with the superiority of artificial intelligence
Nobody can really tell how our future is going to be and all those scenarios are just prognoses how it could be. Therefore we need to prepare for the future. We need to teach Self-drive, self-efficacy, or the ability to make and implement decisions in a group. Those are the skills that are useful in all different outcomes. Also we need to be flexible and be ready to adjust every moment.
Bell, Genevieve, Blythe, M. & Sengers, P. (2005). “Making by Making Strange: Defamiliarization and the Design of Domestic Technologies”. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 12. 149-173.
This paper is about homes and their meaning to us. About how technology finds it's way more and more into our homes.
Defamiliarization (Verfremdung)
– the term comes from the 19th century from Russian formalists
– it is about how punishment has a certain form – as an example if we talk about flogging we have a certain image in our head > Tolstoy suggests pricking the shoulders with needles as an alternative to flogging so that it is made unfamiliar both by the description and by the proposal to change its form without changing its nature
– this perspective can be applicated to our computing technology in our home such as online shopping. Our social contact get's smaller. Cuz before it was needed to leave the house to buy something. During the way to the shops one met a neighbour or hat a chat with someone. Nowadays it's not necessary to leave the house or talking to anyone. It is possible to order everything online. This can relate into losses because we'll start to overlook problems that would be obvious from other perspectives.