For the second theory reading, we addressed diverse topics such as the historical outline and introduction of design methodology theories. We also informed ourselves about highlighting the notion of design, technology and human experience and understanding who even designs.
Carroll, J. M. (2000). "Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of HumanComputer Interactions". The MIT Press. “the Process”
In this Paper you'll get informed about what design is and how it defines our world. Especially many problems considering design problems are talked about.
A well-known problem in design is that the description of the world from which design considerations originate is incomplete, inaccurate, or irrelevant.
But there are even more problems that interfere the design process:
– identifying the relevant description of the current situation in the world that needs to be altered
– possible moves designers may make are not specified
– goal or solution is not specified
– the requirement of the diverse skills and knowledge is needed
but the designer faces even problems, such as:
– incomplete description of the problem to be adressed
– lack of guidance on possible design moves
– the design goal or solution state cannot be know in advance
– trade-offs among many interdepend elements
– reliance on a diversity of knowledge and skills
– wide-ranging and ongoing impacts on human activity
important statements, learnings
Design has broad impacts on people! It transforms the world and our thinking.
Churchman 1970 "Hospitals are designed to serve doctors, not patients."
This is a pretty blatant statement by Churchman but compares well to the design process. After all, it is up to us as designers to create the best possible user experience for the user and not for us.!
Sanders, E. (2013). "Perspectives on Participation in Design". Transcript Verlag.
This paper is about perspectives of participation in design. Elizabeth B. - N. Sanders is defined as collaboration between designers and people who are not trained in the design process and development.
PD = Participation Design
PPL = people
– ppl who are being served are no longer seen as users/costumers/consumers they're seen as experts of their own living/working
=> valuable partner partners in the design / development process
– PD is human-centered: ppl are considered as experts and not just representatives of their roles
– PD is also co-design, co-creation
Design is changing. Because the internet provide so much more possibilities (especially the social networks in particular)
– all ppl can play a role in ideation, innovative, design and delivery of products and services
– social media gives a voice to all ppl, brings communities together
=> that's the reason why PD is growing at the moment
The participation takes place through all states of the design development.

pre-design: where innovation and opportunity development take place
discovery: where research and translation to design occur
design: where exploration, design, and development take place
marketing, sales and/or distribution: where implementation, roll-out and sales occur
after sales: where product use and service experience take place
In class
We talked about that history of interaction design and human computer interaction can happen at many levels. That could be the computer itself, interface design, concepts of communication & information, event our relation to tech ( from horsepower bridges, to trains and telephones, to mars rover & AI robots). In conclusion we can say that hope and fears social progress and human innovation generate. We also immersed in the history of computers and how interaction design got developed.
Shortly said there is no direct interaction design history – we can find interaction design history in many different areas.
One of the most common interaction design evolution is the computer mouse. It's very interesting to look at the development of it and how our interaction with the scroll wheel developed. Especially thought-provoking was the fact that since the sixties the desktop pose was developed. I'm wondering if our posture and body is changing because of that.
Another topic in the course was the 3D printing. It was new to me, that it was possible to print 3D since 60 years but there was just no cheap and easy way to do so. In 2006 a team of researched achieved a way to produce them cheaper and more efficient so they could be provided to the general.
A quote that Joelle presented: "We lack, so to say, audiences rather than preachers" William Morris, 1888, made me think.
Sure we designers have a ton to share but who is even interested in it? How can we make the world a better place even tho the most ppl are not even interested to change something?
Hopefully we can develop a way to share information and find listeners who believe in our ideas.
Another important topic was design biases:
It is known that history erases the work of women. All developments are created by men. Also all our standards are male and based on the male body. There are several examples such as not right fitting body armor, women bathroom (women need have to go to the bathroom more often > not built correctly to less toilets are provided), apple developers > no woman. Also women tax (women products are more expensive than mens. The gender biases is a big topic. Before the lesson i never noticed it so strongly but with each example it became more clear.
In addition we got taken into groups to discuss what Interaction Design even is. While doing this we found out that everybody defines it a bit different. For this exercise we used miro-board. It was a very interesting discussion and i learned that everybody defines it a bit different. And my conclusion from the review is that you simply can't make a precise definition because you encounter interaction design everywhere. Which makes it interesting.